Greetings Everyone!
I’m a little late getting this quarter’s eNews out, but there was a hurricane in my life, so I’m literally and figuratively still digging myself out. But that aside, a lot of good things are happening!
Workshops & Symposiums
- I just returned from the biannual U.S. Symposium on Harmful Algae in Albany, where with my NCCOS partners we led a pre-conference workshop on Mechanisms for improved detection of HABs using satellites. We received a lot of great feedback and my NCCOS partners have some items to follow up on.
- The other workshop I’ve been working on with the NCCOS partners will occur on January 18 & 19, 2023 at VIMS Gloucester Point. This workshop, focused on the Chesapeake Bay will assess HAB forecasting opportunities & limitations at scales needed for resource management & industry business practices. We have a great steering committee working on this workshop which meets monthly and have put together an exciting agenda.
- In Florida, I am also co-chairing the Blue-green Algae State of the Science Symposium II with my Florida Sea Grant colleague Lisa Krimsky. This symposium was commissioned by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection at the request of the state’s Blue-green Algae Task Force. This symposium will assess progress made since our last symposium in 2019.
- NOAA CoastWatch Satellite course: The NOAA CoastWatch team is pleased to announce an upcoming satellite training course for Sea Grant and their partners. During this virtual course participants will learn about different satellite products, how to access them, download them and use them for a variety of purposes. This virtual course will occur on Wednesdays beginning January 18 and ending on February 15, 2023. For more information about the course, schedule and registration, visit:
- It was great to meet so many folks at Sea Grant Week in Cleveland in September! If you weren’t there, we held a HAB meeting to provide an update on liaison activities. This allowed the project team and programs not directly engaged in the project to learn and provide input to help guide Sea Grant engagement into the future.
- One of the things we were able to unveil at the Sea Grant Week HAB meeting was our new webpage for the HAB Liaison project. It’s bare bones at the moment but we hope to continue to add content moving forward. That includes archiving eNewsletters and adding blog content. Speaking of blogs… my goal here is to highlight some of the peer reviewed offerings coming out of Sea Grant or my federal partners that have direct management application. If you are aware of a recently published paper that you think would make a great blog, please send my way. Check out the first blog!
Upcoming Meetings of Interest
2022 Coastal & Estuarine Summit provided by Restore America’s Estuaries
New Orleans, Louisiana
December 4-8, 2022
3rd Annual Harmful Algal Bloom Virtual Symposium provided by the Northcentral Region Water Network
January 5-6, 2023
Thank you to everyone who has been looping me into your networks. As always, please feel free to reach out to me with questions or if I can assist you with anything.
Betty Staugler | NOAA HAB Liaison, Florida Sea Grant
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (941) 979-6328