
Episode 22 – Coral Spawning

Today on Marine Science Minute with Florida Sea Grant: coral spawning

You may know that corals are living animals, but did you know that they have two ways of reproducing? One way is by fragmentation, or asexual reproduction, where a broken piece of coral reattaches itself to the ocean floor and begins growing. This is similar to the way that plants can be produced by taking a cutting.

The other way that corals reproduce is by spawning, or sexual reproduction. This process happens in late summer and fall months, when corals release gametes (or, sperm and egg bundles) into the water, become fertilized, and create baby corals. Spawning is tied to the moon cycle and water temperature. Sexual reproduction contributes to genetically diverse coral populations that will seed the reef for future growth.

For information about this and other coastal topics, contact your county extension office or visit Florida Sea Grant at