Every minute, the equivalent of two garbage trucks of plastic escapes into the ocean. A portion of that plastic floats, but wind and wave action can spread debris from the surface all the way to the ocean floor, making it difficult to trap and clean up. 

Single-use plastic consumption has been steadily increasing since the 1950's, leading to an increase of garbage in our rivers, streams, and ocean. Recent estimates indicate that 23 million metric tons of plastic end up in aquatic environments around the world. Most marine debris comes from human activities on land, and eventually enters the ocean. Our team is partnering with local governments and state Aquatic Preserve programs to implement Operation T.R.A.P. – Trash Reduction for Aquatic Preserves. The project captures litter at the source by installing interception technologies to trap and prevent litter from entering Florida’s Aquatic Preserves in the Big Bend and Nature Coast region of Florida’s Gulf Coast. By intercepting debris at the source, we are reducing the risk of wildlife entanglement or ingestion and helping to maintain the natural beauty of these aquatic preserves for future generations.